


Mission Statement:

We, the staff and parents of Holmes Elementary School, are committed to providing an integrated and supportive learning environment for educating all students to become responsible, literate, thinking, and contributing members of a multicultural society.

Article I

Duties of the School Site Council

In order to provide self-determination, we as the school community of Holmes Elementary, established a shared decision-making team to work toward the common goals of:

  • Emphasizing student scholarship/achievement;

  • Providing a nurturing, caring, integrated learning environment,

  • Providing a broad range of educational opportunities in order for

  • children to be prepared for the future in light of technological advances;

  • Promoting better communication among all constituents of our school community;

  • Promoting the school as a facilitator for good citizenship, knowledge of shared U.S. culture, and of multicultural appreciation and integration; and,

  • Providing a shared decision-making opportunity for all school constituents.

A decision-making body, to be known as the HOLMES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL and referred to in this document as the SSC shall assume, in compliance with statutory requirements, all roles and legal responsibilities of the School Site Council. The SSCshall advise and counsel the principal/staff in school day-to-day activities and responsibilities, but only share decision-making in those areas that are not by law, collective bargaining contract, character, code, procedures, or practice, the responsibility of the principal/staff. Areas of shared decision-making emphasize, but are not restricted to:

  • school plan (i.e. Single Plan for Student Achievement, SPSA)

  • sub-populations (i.e. GATE, ELAC)

  • supplemental resources/budgets,

  • Other areas of shared decision-making may be discussed, as they pertain to the above. Topics may include, but are not restricted to the following:

  • curriculum/instruction,

  • evaluation of school programs,

  • staff/parent development,

  • organization of the school community,

  • school accountability report card,

  • school/community communication,

  • student well being/safety,

  • parent/community involvement, and

  • school operations

Note: The principal retains both the authority and the responsibility for creating an environment that supports instruction and for managing the day-to-day operation of Holmes Elementary School.

The SSCshall make decisions in areas where it has a leadership role and make recommendations in areas where other committees and/or groups of the school have leadership roles.

All existing non SSCcommittees/organizations can make recommendations to the SSC by presenting agenda items as described in Article V, Section D.

Article II


Section A: Membership and Composition.

The SSCshall be composed of a minimum of 10voting members comprised of:

  • 5-8 parents or community members;
  • 3-5 classroom teachers;
  • 1 principal; and,
  • 1classified staff representative

Elementary schools must have a minimum of ten (10) members when practical, to include 1 non-resident parent. The number of parents should be equal to the number of staff members.

Alternate SSCmembers shall be elected and assume voting privileges as described in Article II, Section B. Also, (1) DAC representative and (1) DAC alternate must be selected from among the SSC membership; as described in Article III, Section A.

The school principal shall be an ex officio member of the council. Council members chosen to represent parents may be employees of the school district so long as they are not employed at this school.

Section B: Selection Process:

  • Parent/Community Members
  • Parent/community members and two parent alternate members (when practical,

    to include 1 non-resident parent) shall represent the interests of the parents of the children attending and/or community surrounding Holmes School. Parents shall be notified of openings on the SSCby flyer or newsletter, and volunteers or nominations shall be

    requested. Parent/community members and two parent alternate members shall be elected via a ballot sent home. New SSCparent members shall be selected in order of plurality of the affirmative vote of all the ballots returned.

  • Parent Alternate Members
  • Parent alternate members are expectedto attend all SSC meetings, because

    a parent alternate member can be automatically appointed to the position of a parent member when a parent member's term expires (for whatever reason) and there is additional time remaining on the parent alternate member's two-year term. Parent alternate members have all the privileges and responsibilities of members except decision-making. Decision-making privileges (i.e. voting) apply to a parent alternate only when a parent member is absent, or when the parent alternate member has been appointed to the position of a parent member. The two alternates fill in on a rotating basis for absent.

    Should a parent member need to be replaced, the first parent alternate member, i.e., one who receives the highest vote via the ballot after the election of the parent members, is automatically appointed to complete the remainder of the out-going parent member's term, for the duration of the parent alternate member's term. In no event shall the alternate parent member's completion of the out-going parent member's term, when added to the completion of the alternate parent member's term, exceed two years.

    When the first parent alternate member replaces an out-going parent member, the second parent alternate automatically moves up to first parent alternate status, and the SSCmay solicit volunteers or nominations for the second parent alternate member from the parent constituency.

  • Staff Members
  • Staff members shall represent the interests of internal Holmes School staff. Staff members of the SSC shall be selected via a request for volunteers at a staff meeting. The staff shall hold an election by ballot.

Section C. Terms of Office:

Elected parent members, including two parent alternate members, shall serve two-year terms, beginning with the Augustmeeting following their election and ending at the Junemeeting two years later. To foster continuity (i.e. to ensure some members from a previous year remain on the team in an upcoming year), approximately half of the SSCteam positions shall be open at each annual election. Members shall be eligible for re-election following their term of office

Section D: Voting Rights

Each member shall be entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on matters submitted for decision at a SSC meeting. An elected alternate shall vote in the absence of elected representatives, following verification by the Chairperson of an elected member absence. Absentee ballots shall not be permitted.

Section E: Termination of Membership

To resign from the SSC a member shall send a letter so stating to the SSC Chairperson. To replace this member for the duration, the remainder of their term, the first appropriate parent or staff alternate shall be chosen, or if no alternate is available, an election of the appropriate constituent group shall be held.

Membership may be automatically terminated for any member who is absent from all regular meetings for a period of two consecutive months unless excused by a majority vote of those members present and voting. The SSC, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all of the members, can suspend or expel a member.

Section F: Transfer of Membership

Membership in the SSC is not transferable or assignable.

Article III


Section A: Officers

The officers of the council shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and other officers the council may deem desirable. Especially when the school has been designated as a Title I school, the voting members of the SSC shall elect one representative and one alternate to represent the school at theDistrict Advisory Council (DAC) during the designated school year as their DAC Representative. Any officer deemed ineffective may be suspended or removed from office by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of those members present and voting.

The Chairperson shall be selected by the members of the SSC at their 1st meeting to serve the whole year or at their next scheduled meeting when a vacancy occurs during the school year. The chairperson shall not serve more than two consecutive years.

The Chairperson shall:

  • Preside at all meetings of the council
  • Sign all letters, reports, and other communications of the council
  • Perform all duties incident to the office of the chairperson
  • Ensure that all SSC Bylaws are met
  • Have other such duties as are prescribed by the council

The Vice Chairperson shall:

  • Assume the role of Chairperson when the Chairperson is absent for a meeting
  • Monitoring the incorporation of any changes to these SSCBylaws, and
  • Perform all duties incident to the office of Vice Chairperson and such other duties as may be prescribed by the SSC
  • The Secretary (recorder) shall:

  • Be selected by the members of the SSCat their 1st meeting for a term of one year (or at their next scheduled meeting when a vacancy occurs during the school year)

  • Transmit legible minutes to each SSC member

  • Provide all notices in accordance with these bylaws

  • Be custodian of records of the council

  • Keep a register of the names, and addresses, and telephone numbers of each member of the council, the chairperson of the school advisory committee, and others with whom the council has regular dealings, as furnished by those persons.

  • Perform other such duties as are assigned by the chairperson or the council

When the Secretary is absent for a SSC meeting, a temporary Secretary/Recorder shall be selected by all voting members present to serve for that meeting only. Minutes shall be submitted to the elected Secretary for normal processing.

District Advisory Council Representative.

Especially when the school has been designated a Title I school (occurring in the spring of each school year), one DAC representative and one alternate representative shall be selected for the following school year, by and from among the members of the SSC at their 1st meeting. The DAC representatives may be any combination of staff and parent members. These representatives shall serve the whole year (one term), or until the next scheduled meeting when a vacancy occurs during the year. Both representatives shall be eligible for re-election following a one term break after two consecutive terms in office.

The DAC Representatives shall:

. Attend all regular or special meetings of the DAC

. Report events of the previous DAC meeting to the SSC

. Attend conferences, leadership training

. Work with the site principal and SSC chairperson on programs and budgets, and

. Perform all duties specified by the DAC

Note: When a school is designated as a Title I school, (occurring in the Spring or each school year), DAC representatives would need to attend to appropriate Title I procedures and activities.

Section B: Election and Term of Office.

The officers shall be elected annually, at the 1st meeting of the council, and shall serve for one year, or until each successor has been elected.

Section C: Removal of Officers.

Any officer may be removed from their office by a two-thirds vote of all the members.

Section D: Vacancy

A vacancy in any office shall be filled at the earliest opportunity by as special election of the council, for the remaining portion of the term of office.

Article IV


Section A: Sub-committees

The council may establish and abolish sub-committees of their own membership to perform duties as shall be prescribed by the council. At least one member representing teachers and one member representing parents shall make up the sub-committee. No sub-committee may exercise the authority of the council.

Section B: Other Standing and Special Committees

The council may establish and abolish standing committees or special committees with such composition and to perform such duties as shall be prescribed by the council. No such sub-committee may exercise the authority of the council.

Section C: Terms of Office

The council shall determine the terms of office for members of a committee.

Section D: Rules

Each committee may adopt rules for its own government not inconsistent with these bylaws or rules adopted by the council, or policies of the district governing board.

Section E: Quorum

A majority (51% or greater) of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum, unless otherwise determined by the council. The act of a majority of the members present shall be the act of the committee, provided a quorum is present.

Article V

Meetings of the Council

Section A. Meetings

Regular SSC meetings shall be held monthly throughout the school year currently on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Special "ad hoc" meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by the majority vote of the SSC. A legible copy of the SSCmeeting minutes and agenda shall be posted in a publicly accessible location, and to be made available to the SSC staff, and to whoever requests them.

Section B: Place of Meetings

The SSC shall hold its regular monthly meetings and its special "ad hoc" meetings in a facility provided by the school, one that is readily accessible by all members of the public, including disabled persons.

Section C: Notice of Meetings

Per the Greene Act (open meetings), the public notice of all regular and special SSC meetings shall be posted in the school office at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. This notice shall specify the time, date, location of the meeting, and an agenda describing each act of business to be discussed or acted upon. The SSCmay not take any action on any item of business unless that item has appeared on the posted agenda, or unless the SSCmembers present, by unanimous vote, find that there is a need to take immediate action and the need for action came to the attention of the SSCsubsequent to the posting of the agenda. Questions or comments that do not have a significant effect on students or employees may be discussed even though they are not on the agenda.

All required notices shall be given. Changes in the established date, time, or location shall be given special notice. All meetings shall be publicized by notices placed on the school marquee, and in The Hawkeye.

Any member of the public shall be able to address the SSCon any item within its jurisdiction. All observers/guests must be recognized by the Chairperson to participate in the discussion during any meeting. No observer/guest shall be allowed to vote on any matter before the SSC.

If procedural violations occur and any person so demands, the SSCshall reconsider the item at its next meeting, after allowing public input.

Section D: Agenda Items

The SSC meeting agenda shall be prepared prior to any SSC meeting by the Chairperson in consultation with the Principal. This agenda shall be transmitted to all SSCmembers and school staff prior to any scheduled meeting. Any person may add an item/issue to the SSC meeting agenda by submitting a "SSC Agenda Item" form available in the SSC cabinet in the office work room. Completed forms shall be submitted to the envelope in the SSC cabinet in the work room, or to the SSC Chair via email. The SSC Chairperson will process the request. Items may be added to the agenda at the beginning of a meeting.

Section E: Decision-Making Process:

Observers/guests may attend meetings, but must be recognized by the Chairperson to participate in the discussions before the SSC. No observer/guest shall have decision-making privileges.

The SSC preferred decision making process shall be by consensus of all participating members. To achieve consensus, the SSCshall use a systematic process to make decisions which all members can support. The process used shall provide the opportunity to:

  • Choose among several options;
  • Ensure everyone has an equal voice;
  • Promote understanding and ownership;
  • Allow differences of opinion to surface; and,
  • Encourage mutual-benefit thinking.

Consensus, however, may not always be possible, and not all decisions need to be made by consensus. The SSC,as a group, should use its best efforts to resolve the issue internally. If two-thirdsof the SSC cannot agree on any issue before them, the SSCmay opt to take a written advisory vote of the affected constituent groups, which are the parents and teacher/staff members. The SSCshall use the maximum amount of time available to provide voters with a clear statement of the issue, including providing supporting data, before taking the vote. Ballots shall be counted by the SSCor their designated vote counters. The ballots are advisory in nature. The outcome is not binding upon the SSC.

Other options for dispute resolution may be taken by the SSC.These other options include mediation, arbitration, appeal, or establishment of a cooling-off period.

Section F: Quorum

A quorum shall consist of the presence of at least 50% of the parent group, 50% of the teacher group, and 50% of the staff group. Without a quorum present no decision-making vote shall be taken. The Chairperson may call a meeting at a later date if a quorum has not been met

at an earlier meeting.

Section G: Conduct of Meetings

Meetings of the council shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of order established by California Education Codes Section 35147 © and with Robert's Rules of Order, or an adaptation thereof approved by the council.

Section H: Meetings Open to the Public

All meetings of the council, and of committees established by the council, shall be open to the public. Notice of such meetings shall be provided as per Section C of this article.

Article VI


An amendment of these bylaws may be made at any regular meeting of the council by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Written notice of the proposed amendment must be submitted to council members at least three (3) days prior to the meeting at which the amendments are to be considered for adoption.

If the necessary two-thirds vote cannot be achieved, the proposed amendment shall be sent back to that constituent group(s) for revision. If an amendment is submitted twice and not approved, the amendment draft will be sent back to each constituent group for consideration.

SSC members may call for an open forum of their constituent group on any proposed amendment.

Upon adoption of an amendment, the SSC Committee shall ensure that this document is updated to reflect the change and that change pages are issued to all appropriate parties.

These Bylaws were approved by the SSC on (Date) _______________________________.

__________________________ _______________________________

Chairperson SSC Principal

Holmes Elementary School

School Site Council (SSC)


The School Site Council is a decision-making body made up of parents and school staff. The responsibilities of the SSC include the development and over-sight of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and the budgets associated with the plan. The SSC meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Library at 2:00 p.m. If you would like to have an item placed on the agenda, please complete this form. Someone will contact you within (5) working days.

Date submitted: ________________ Submitted by: ___________________

Phone: _______________________ E-mail: _________________________

Topic for the agenda item: ___________________________________________________





For Office use:

Received by: _________________________________ Date received: ______________

_____ Accepted, will be on the SSC Agenda for ___________________________________

_____ Denied because: _______________________________________________________





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